General Membership Meeting
Speakers: Nicole Love Hendrickson & Charlotte Nash, current and former Gwinnett County Board of Commissioner Chairpersons
Topic: Women's History Month
Presentation: Personal Perspectives and Nods to 1st Female Gwinnett BOC Chairperson, Lillian Webb
Location: Rhodes Jordan Park Community Center
100 East Crogan Street, Lawrenceville
At Park Entrance, follow signs to Community Center
Monday, March 17, 6:30-9:00 PM
General Membership Meeting
Speaker: Marie Bartlett, History Program Supervisor at the Gwinnett Environmental and Heritage Center
Topic: 18th Century Fashion
Location: Rhodes Jordan Park Community Center
100 East Crogan Street, Lawrenceville
At Park Entrance, follow signs to Community Center
Monday, May 19, 6:30-9:00 PM
General Membership Meeting:
Program: To Be Determined (TBD)
Presentation: TBD
Location: Rhodes Jordan Park Community Center
100 East Crogan Street, Lawrenceville
At Park Entrance, follow signs to Community Center
Monday, July 21, 6:30-9:00 PM
Our Gwinnett Historical Society is nonaffiliated with any government agency and was created as a non-profit organization with tax-exempt status. Our operations are financed solely through membership dues and donations. Members have graciously volunteered their time without compensation. These dedicated volunteers form our Society management and operate the Society's office and library on the second floor of the Historic Courthouse in downtown Lawrenceville, along with the 19.2-acre Elisha Winn Property in the Hog Mountain-Dacula area.

The Gwinnett Historical Society hosts the county's only genealogy library containing over 2,000 publications, an archive collection of assorted county and family records, a map collection, a book store for county-specific publications, a microfilm research room, a growing collection of vintage and historic family photographs.

Image Reproductions
The Gwinnett Historical Society and our research library offer limited digital reproduction services of materials in its collections. Fees are based on scanning services and are available for materials that can withstand the process. More information on ordering and fees below.
User fees for images intended for commercial and non-profit purposes will be assessed.

Gwinnett Heritage
Our quarterly newsletter for Gwinnett Historical Society members. All issues from 1975 to present are available digitally to GHS members, via the Member's portal OR for purchase by contacting us below.
Contact GHS
Drop us a line and a member of our friendly staff of volunteers will get back to you as soon as we can!