Interested in becoming an official Gwinnett Historical Society Member?
As a member of the Gwinnett Historical Society, you support a vital mission of preserving history and making that discovery of the past available to our community and its future generations. You will also enjoy the member benefits below, as well as exclusive content available to members only.
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Membership Benefits
Gwinnett County's award-winning quarterly newsletter. Members get exclusive access to The Heritage issues from 1975 to 1987 online via our Member's Only portal.
GHS members get a 10% discount off of any of our publications. There are over 2,000 volumes in our collection from various GHS members, historians and Gwinnett County residents from the past and present.
Exclusive access to GHS collections of maps, photographs, historic court books, land lottery winners, the death index and more in our archived collection of materials dating back to the 1800s.
GHS Members Exclusive Content
Gwinnett Lists & Rosters
The library at the Gwinnett Historical Society boasts a collection of some 1600 volumes ranging from published County and State histories to other society newsletters, individual family histories, DAR research, and military history. Below are lists of men from Gwinnett who served in the Civil War, 1904 pension lists, 1912 voter lists and Gwinnett land lottery winners from 1820 - 1832.
Gwinnett Survey of Homes
In 1978, Ted Bessette conducted a survey on behalf of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources of historic properties in Gwinnett which might be eligible for inclusion on the National Register. In 2005, the original documents were converted to digital by James Pugsley of the Gwinnett County Department of Planning & Development. This is an incredible snapshot of Gwinnett County before it changed and our thanks go out to him, Mr Bessette, and the DPD and DNR.
GHS Photograph Collection
GHS members get exclusive access to our archived collection of over 4,000 photographs, over 2,000 volumes of historic publications, court documents, Gwinnett County genealogy records. GHS is always adding new photos. Presently, anyone wanting to view any collection in our inventory may make an appointment to visit our Archives by emailing archives@gwinnetths.org. The Archives are open on Fridays from 10:00 A.M.- 2:00 P.M.