Gwinnett Sponsorships
As a non-profit we rely heavily on sponsors, either individuals or organizations that offer the society free or discounted services or even cash donations to help us operate and continue to serve the county, it's residents and the Gwinnett Historical Society members. If you are interested in becoming a GHS sponsor please email:
Sponsorship Levels
Businesses, Individuals or organizations that donate $1,000 or more in monies or services.
Businesses, Individuals or organizations that donate $500- $999 in monies or services.
Businesses, Individuals or organizations that donate $100- $499 in monies or services.
Members interested in becoming recognized as descendants of families that resided in Gwinnett County during it's infancy may obtain an an application package from our office or by filling out the initial application, including a $5 fee and mailing it to the address below. You can also email the application to:
Gwinnett Historical Society
P.O. Box 261
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Attn: First Families